Sabtu, 29 Juni 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Softskill )

NAMA  : Choirul Kahfi
NPM     : 11115478


1. Present Future Tense
  • I will play a Badminton after studying.
Translate : Saya akan bermain bulutangkis setelah belajar.
This sentence uses Present Future Tense because the adverb of time " after studying ".

2. Present Tense
  • He lives in Sumedang.
Translate : Dia tinggal di Sumedang.
This sentence uses Present Tense because of the verb 1 ( lives ) and the fact that he still live in Sumedang until now.

3. Past Tense
  • Kharis bought a car yesterday
Translate : Kharis membeli sebuah mobil kemarin.
This sentence uses Past Tense because of the verb 2 ( bought ) and the adverb of the time is already happen ( yesterday ).

4. Present Perfect Tense
  • She has studied in Gunadarma University for three years.
Translate : Dia telah belajar di Universitas Gunadarma selama 3 tahun.
This sentence uses Present Perfect Tense because of the verb has and the verb 3 ( Studied ) and she still study in Gunadarma University for three years ( adverb of time ).

5. Present Continuous Tense
  • Kahfi is listening a music right now.
Translate : Kahfi sedang mendengarkan musik sekarang.
This sentence uses Present Continuous Tense because kahfi still listening a music  at that time ( Adverb of Time = Right now ).

6. Conjunction ( Present Continuous Tense )
  • My mother is cooking a noodle when I am watching a television.
Translate : Ibuku sedang memasak mie sementara saya sedang menonton televisi.
This sentence uses the conjunction when therefore the two tenses are used are in the Present Continuous  " is cooking" and " am watching ".

7.  Conjunction ( Past Tense )
  • While my father was sleeping, my brother went to market.
Translate : Ketika ayahku sedang tidur, adik laki-laki saya pergi ke pasar.
This sentence uses the conjuction while therefore the two tenses are used are in the Past Tense " was sleeping " and " went to market ". 

8. Conjunction ( Present Tense )
  • While I wash my shoes, my father go to mosque.
Translate : Sementara saya mencuci sepatu, ayah saya pergi ke masjid.
This sentence uses the conjunction while therefore the two tenses are used are in the Present Tense " wash " and " go "

9. Past Tense
  •  I went to Bandung with my friend last week.
Translate :  Saya pergi ke Bandung dengan temanku minggu lalu.
This sentence uses Past Tense because of the verb 2 ( went ) and the adverb of the time is already happen ( last week ).

10. Present Continuous Tense
  • Rendi is eating a sausage right now.
Translate : Rendi sedang memakan  sosis sekarang.
This sentence uses Present Continuous Tense because rendi still eating a sausage  at that time ( Adverb of Time = Right now ).